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Valentine's Candy & Your Teeth

As Valentine’s Day approaches, your sweet tooth cravings might be kicking in or you might be trying to decide what kind of candy to buy for your child to take to school. Skip the stress and leave the rest to us.

While candy can sometimes be associated with cavities, there are options available that have little to no sugar and still taste just as great! Whether you like gummy bears, hard candy or chocolate, we have a recommendation for you.

Sticky Isn’t Always So Sweet…For Your Teeth

Did you know sticky candy is really bad for your teeth? This kind of candy stays on your teeth longer, which gives it more time to grow cavity-causing bacteria. If you find yourself craving gummy bears or gummy worms, Smart Sweets are a great alternative. This brand offers your favorite sticky treats with less sugar!

The Harder the Candy, the Higher the Stakes

Hard candy might be the worst kind! Since you have to keep the candy in your mouth for a longer period of time, it is also giving sugar an opportunity to get deep into your teeth. On the other hand, if you bite the hard candy, you could even break a tooth or bracket if you have braces.

If you must have hard candy, try to stick to sugar-free options. Zolli Candy is a sugar-free and delicious option the next time you’re craving a hard candy or lollipop.

Indulge in Chocolate with Caution

If you like chocolate, you’re in luck! Plain chocolate is the healthiest option for your teeth because it melts quickly and washes off easily. However, if you have braces or Clear Aligners, watch out for chocolates that have nuts.

Additionally, be sure to avoid chocolate that has caramel, as it puts it in the sticky candy category. While milk chocolate is okay, dark chocolate is the best option because it contains less sugar. Dove Dark Chocolates are our pick for a safer option for your teeth.

Now that you’ve learned which options to look for in the candy aisles, we’d love to see your selections. Tag us on social media @RisasDental to share your delicious and smile-approved treats!

And just in case your Valentine can’t resist giving you your favorite treat to indulge in, check out these tips on how to care for your teeth after having a sweet treat.

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